LTA Impact Study : Summary & Reader's Response (Draft 3)

In the news release, "Feasible for Cross Island MRT Line to run under Central Catchment or skirt it around", Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (2019) suggested two routes – direct alignment and skirting – for the future Cross Island Line. Based on the report by LTA and Environmental Resources Management, both underground alignments are feasible. Nature groups mentioned that the direct alignment route would affect the ecology and biodiversity. Construction cost and engineering challenges can be reduced. The construction of the skirting route will cause environmental issues and requires high maintenance with an additional cost of $2 billion. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. While I agree with both suggestions, I feel that the direct alignment route is a better option to implement as it is more efficient in terms of energy consumption, carbon emissions.

Firstly, LTA should take into consideration that the energy consumption of the direct alignment will be significantly lower than the skirting option. Skirting route takes a longer distance so the energy consumption will be higher than the direct alignment route. Minister of Transport, Khaw states that “In the longer term, it is a more environmentally friendly option as the direct alignment has a lower energy consumption.” I feel that the energy consumption can be optimized at its minimum. Skirting route will cause a longer traveling time which results in more energy consumption in a long run. Also, based on the forecast value, the Cross Island Line will be highly used as this line will cater to more commuters daily. The Cross Island Line will be the most energy consumed line in coming future.

Secondly, carbon emissions will also be reduced by an amount into the environment. As the amount of fuel usage increases, the more carbon emissions will be produced. According to a fuel consumption calculator, the estimated fuel usage for 11km will be 3,000 gallons. The fuel consumption rate will be 0.0000717487365 miles/gallon with the formula FCR = d / V, where FCR = Fuel Consumption Rate , d = Distance and V = Fuel Value. The higher the fuel consumption rate is, the more efficient the fuel is. In my own opinion, the skirting alignment will not be the best option in the long run as it will travel for a longer distance which means more fuel will be consumed. Thus, more carbon emissions will be emitted into the environment, affecting the atmosphere.

Lastly, with the need to construct the additional 5km tunnel and civil infrastructures, there will be a higher chance of faults found in the skirting alignments and face increasing engineering challenges. In the article "How 2 proposed tunnelling routes for Cross Island Line will affect wildlife, housing areas", Cheng (2019) mentioned that “An international panel of advisers on tunnelling and underground construction cautioned that the risk of incidents — tunnelling works could cause damage and cracks to buildings, for example — is higher for this option than for the first option, because of the “concentration of facilities including infrastructure and occupied buildings””. It implies that the skirting alignment may have a higher chance of facing damages to infrastructures and incidents as the tunnels will be constructed under existing buildings. From an engineer's point of view, if there is a better solution, I do not wish to take on the risks and cause more incidents during its construction. It may also bring down the reputation of the developer and engineering team.

In conclusion, LTA should take into consideration that the direct alignment will consume less energy and leads to lesser environmental impacts in a long term. It should ensure that the decision made focuses on and optimises the energy consumption and efficiency. Also, with the construction of the skirting route, there will be a higher chance of faults and lives will be jeopardised. LTA should be advised to play safe and not take on the risks. 



Cheng, K. (2019, September 3) Explainer: How 2 proposed tunnelling routes for Cross Island Line will affect wildlife, housing areas. Today


Cross Island Line: Govt decides on direct alignment, running 70m under nature reserve instead of skirting it. (2019, December 4). Today


Fuel Consumption Calculator


Tan, C. (2019, January 28). Cross Island Line's first phase to be completed by 2029. The Straits Times


Revised 2 November 2020


  1. Dear Celine,

    Thank you for allowing me to read your letter!

    First of all, I want to say that you have accurately summarized the article. I like how you quoted the author with proper citations and references.

    In my opinion, the only fault that appeared in your summary is when you used a reporting verb in the present tense in the phrase “Land Transport Authority (2019) suggests.” As the majority of your reporting verbs are in the past tense, I would suggest this to be in the past tense too!

    Once again, thank you for your time!

    Warm wishes,

    1. Dear Clement,

      Thank you for reading my summary and reader's response and providing feedback on it. I will take your suggestions into consideration and make the respective changes in my post.

      Thank you for your time!



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